Use "lull|lulls" in a sentence

1. 2 I can't lull her fears.

2. Superstition lulls people into a false sense of security

3. Don’t let these rather prosaic “Blunders” lull

4. A second's lull, then such a din!

5. 7 Then came the lull before the storm.

6. 9 A second's lull, then such a din!

7. Synonyms for Becalms include soothes, calms, settles, lulls, composes, stills, pacifies, salves, lullabies and quiets

8. Antonyms for Amplifies include quietens, allays, assuages, softens, dulls, lulls, silences, hushes, mutes and stifles

9. 3 There has been a lull in the fighting.

10. 6 They crossed the road during a lull in the traffic.

11. Previous lulls were cues for it to neglect Kashmiri grievances, speeding up the return to protest.

12. 8 The temporary lull was broken by sudden shouted orders.

13. They would use stealth, lull me into thinking there was no danger.

14. 23 Ground fighting flared up again after a two - week lull.

15. 11 There was a lull, and then the thunder came again.

16. 5 The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes.

17. Why are these teachings so attractive that they lull millions into spiritual sleep?

18. 'Down there everything is so still and silent that it lulls me to sleep.

19. You are on a roller-coaster ride of chills and thrills with few valleys or lulls in between.”

20. Synonyms for Armistices include truces, ceasefires, peace, breaks, cease-fires, lulls, moratoriums, respite, treaties and let-ups

21. 10 When the waiter had served our entrees, a lull settled in.

22. The lull the wind threatens storm and the lowering cloudsthe west bode no good.

23. Apaiser translate: to calm, to soothe, to soothe, lull, appease, mollify, pacify, placate, quieten

24. 12 I waited for a lull in the conversation, before getting up to go.

25. Synonyms for Croons include sings, hums, warbles, lilts, quavers, carols, trills, serenades, trolls and lulls

26. Was the old sardonic Lexandro reasserting himself during this lull of relaxation?

27. He firmly believes music should elevate and inspire its listeners, not lull and numb them.

28. But I was like a wrecked mariner in the lull between two storms.

29. 12 Moreover, despite periodic peace agreements and lulls in the fighting, mankind is still at war.

30. 4 His purpose is to lull us into a false sense of security.

31. Too much leisure can lull us into doing less and less meaningful activity.

32. In the brief lulls, my ears strained to catch the sound of the pigeon's soft, wheezy breathing.

33. The rocking motion of the Cradle is intended to lull the infant to sleep

34. 18 Scorsese is sprawling in a chair during a lull when my mobile trills.

35. In a lull, she drifted up to see to the babies,[] but misjudged mounting the stair.

36. 26 Whatever the cause,( toxic work situations sap your energy and lull you into a stupor.

37. There are many synonyms of Crooned which include Bellow, Hum, Lull, Murmur, Roar, Wail, etc.

38. 1 There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president.

39. 24 Whatever the cause, toxic work situations sap your energy and lull you into a stupor.

40. 28 He firmly believes music should elevate and inspire its listeners, not lull and numb them.

41. When you face a compelling opportunity to take action, fear lulls you into inaction, enticing you to passively watch its prophecies fulfill themselves.

42. Second, he will “pacify, and lull [members] away into carnal security,” saying “Zion prospereth, all is well” (verse 21).

43. He proofread Of Human Bondage at a location near Dunkirk during a lull in his ambulance duties.

44. 16 In a lull, she drifted up to see to the babies, but misjudged mounting the stair.

45. 13 At dawn on Saturday 6 February the eight-month lull was abruptly brought to an end.

46. Once more, she tries to lull herself into dreamland via a salacious scenario starring herself and Riva.

47. There was now a lull in the battle, though sporadic cannon and musket fire were still heard.

48. Bill Lucas, used the lull to call in artillery fire and F-18 Hornet bomber strikes on suspected enemy positions.

49. 24 Things seem quiet in the office right now, but this is just the lull before the storm.

50. The faces around her suppliant, wary - she is in a benevolent lull, she measures out wit and wisdom.

51. Organic Evolution by Richard Swann Lull (1917) "Mero-planktonic larvae are found in every group of aquatic sedentary Benthonic animals

52. A terrible serpent guarded the Fleece, but she would lull it to sleep so that it would do them no harm.

53. 6 As the standoff continued, the lull in the crisis provided the opportunity for a negotiated settlement, which Washington strongly favored.

54. There was a lull in the fighting during the late 1990s but the violence has steadily worsened since 2000.

55. The faces around her suppliant, wary - she is in a benevolent lull,(Sentencedict) she measures out wit and wisdom.

56. 17 The mind must try to lull the body into the automatic response that has been instilled during practice.

57. 29 A terrible serpent guarded the Fleece, but she would lull it to sleep so that it would do them no harm.

58. It was a great lesson in my life—how he'd lull you in, make you feel safe and then, bang!

59. We gaze at one another despite the effort of heavy lids, our nodding heads, until the lull of sleep defeats.

60. 21 Just before an attack everything would go quiet but we knew it was just the lull before the storm .

61. 27 I wonder whether I lay waiting, having to do without him and lull myself the whole way to sleep.

62. 20 During a lull in the rail traffic, he opened the bag and had a good look at the object.

63. Doing this will help prevent lulls in Conversation, and you’ll find that these topics provide excellent springboards for discussion that can go in a variety of directions.

64. The Bluejackets had a little lull to start the second half, but once they got rolling, that lead was extended to 15 points

65. 15 The news broke after something of a lull in the abundant reporting of incidents from the various scenes of fighting.

66. 14 The lull in the housing market means that mortgage lenders are more desperate than ever to attract first-time buyers.

67. When however there was a lull in Congress activities , automatically the Hindu communalists came more to the front and their attitude was frankly reactionary .

68. For instance, the Brushman possesses the ability to use mind power to lull you to sleep and then steal your loved one

69. 30 For a few seconds the sheer force of the wind supported my weight before I stumbled into a lull between squalls.

70. With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.

71. 25 The vase painting shows Ajax and Achilles getting ready for their equivalent of k2 paddling during a lull in the Trojan War.

72. 22 With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.

73. After a long day at work or school, there’s something about watching TV that can lull us into a relaxed, nearly catatonic state.

74. As the dull roar of mainstream media lulls the masses into mindless complacency, a Buzzsaw cuts through the din of the mainstream narrative to explore hidden truths and reawaken the planet

75. As the dull roar of mainstream media lulls the masses into mindless complacency, a Buzzsaw cuts through the din of the mainstream narrative to explore hidden truths and reawaken the planet

76. After the group stopped releasing new material there was a relative lull in their popularity – which came to an end in 1992 when "Abba - Gold (Greatest Hits)" was released

77. For lull details of Lab M's Anaerobe media, which includes the Gold Standard Fastidious Anaerobe Agar and Broth, and Brazier's CCEY Agar for Clostridium difficile isolation: Lab M media for Clostridium perfringens

78. They enforced the necessity of uniform Assentation, in order to lull the Mirabeau party, who were canvassing for a majority to set up D'ORLEANS, to whose interest Mirabeau and his myrmidons were

79. More Robert Miles than Vangelis, Chicane produces a sound that at once can lull you into a trance and then jump back out with a dance beat that begs, but doesn't force

80. ⫸ It’s stated in myths that Amphitrite’s voice is the only thing that can calm her husbands mightiest rages and lull him to a deep slumber so the ocean could be back at